Web sites which have linked to Accurate Democracy are likely to have related matterial.
- Administration and Cost of Elections Project provides web pages in English, Spanish and French.
- BRINT Institute
- Center for Voting and Democracy
- Condorcet related material from Rob Lanphier
- Condorcet.org by Blake Cretney
- Constitutional theory through practice
- David Barnsdale's Elections: Results and Voting systems... Single Transferable Vote
- David Baron's Government & Politics Links
- DC Pages Elections
- Democracy at alphastandard.net
- Demos conducts research and connects reformers around the U.S.
- Direct Democracy League: Stephen Neitzke advocates constitutional renewal at state and national levels to meld sovereign citizen lawmaking -- initiative and statute referendum, recall, and online citizen institutions -- with a still-strong, but more-limited representative government
- Discrete Math class by David Thompson at Riverdale High School in Portland, Oregon
- Earth, Inc. Resources page
- Election Information by Prof. Steven D. Roper
- Election Systems 101 by Peter A. Taylor has an interesting evaluation of many voting methods.
- Elections & Parties, a class web-project from pol-101 at University of Dayton
- Electoral-Reform Society's Links to voting systems - cached
- Elections and Electoral Systems by Country at the University of Keele
- Electoral Systems in U.S. at the University of Keele
- Enhancing & Expanding Democracy by Steve Magruder at Democracy 2.0, a nonpartisan nonprofit promoting pervasive democracy
- Filosofia game theory links by Sandro F. Reis
- Google Web Directory - Science > Social Sciences > Political Science > Comparative Politics
- Google Web Directory - Society > Politics > Campaigns and Elections > Voting Systems
- Guide to Elections and Electoral Systems on the Internet, University of Keele
- Herman Braun
- ICANN, ccTLD Constituency list, Voting information and resources
- ILFRY Newsletter August & September 1997
- Innovations in Democracy toward wiser democracies that work for all
- Interesting Places from Fair Choice Party, Steve Glickman
- Jason Farbman, Green candidate in Illinois
- Korean site - cached
- Lorrie Cranor's new and old Electronic Voting Hot List
- Lunds Naturvetarkårs valnämnd - Lunds Naturvetarkår
- M302 Dr. Tamara R. Lefcourt at the University of Texas
- Manatoba Party on Condorcet's method
- Mathematics Olympiad Learning Centre
- The Mathematics of Social Choices:
- Metodologia: Politiikan tutkimusmetodologiat: Keskitytään tutkimaan vaalianalyysiä ja Condocetin sääntöjä uta.fi/laitokset (ValtIO-OPPI) .
- New Zealand's Department of Internal Affairs.
- Tauranga District Council. or here
- The Internet Society of New Zealand.
- One Window to Philosophy by Sandro F Reis in English or Portugues
- Opinions and Ramblings by Paul Hsieh
- Political Science links from Eastern Illinois University
- Political Theory from Moorhead University - cached
- Political Theory from the University of Keele
- The Political Science Dept in the Univ. of Michigan at Flint has over 300 links on 6 pages: Comparative Politics & International Relations, Political Theory, News & Media, U.S. Federal Government Sites, U.S.Politics, Parties, & Interest Groups, U.S.Politics & Government General.
- Poll types in eVote (R)
- PR Society of Australia
- Proposed constituion for a small 21st century state, by Jack Durst
- Reflections on Contemporary Democracy
- Rules and Structures of STV Elections in Malta
- Second Choice Voting features beautiful bell curves illustrating the squeeze effect on central candidates and policies.
- Anton Sherwood's links
- Sites that talk about ballot design
- Jonivar Skullerud's bookmarks
- Skyline Network, government links
- "Some sites that are largely political and hugely useful" by F. David Levenbach
- Stakeholder / Social Information System (pdf).
- Summary of email discussion on format of voting for SAC members.
- Technical details of single-winner voting rules have been debated on the election-methods mail list since 1996.
- Techno Democracy Project -- References
- Teoria dos jogos
- Teoría y Métodos en Ciencia Política
- Theorems_And_Conjectures - Four Colour Theorem by the Geometry online learning center
- Thierry Excoffier
- Toelichting bij de motie 'Kiessysteem interne verkiezingen'
- University of Dublin course Citizens, Politics & Decisions
- Washington DC City Pages: Government : Elections
- Webpage PoliSci 635F
- [Web-power-by-net's mirror site for A Democracy Map]
- Political Theory at Winona State University - cached
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- WorldBook General Reference Encyclopedia > Social Science > Government > Elections > Voting
- WSU Political Science- Research: Political Theory - cached
- Why atheists should advocate election reform. on Condorcet's rule
- Yahoo discussion group: stv-voting
- yahoo group PR-forum
- Yes Magazine Winter 2003 "What would democracy look like?"

Web Pages Gone Missing:
- Arkadii Slinko Auckland NZ Math. Dept. Class 381 - cached
- augur.demon.co.uk/links.htm
- Canadian Supporters of PR - cached
- Herman Beun - Politics, Recent, Vote counting systems
- Election Hotline at GoHotline
- IFLRY Newsletter August & September 1997 - cached
- OzEmu (Australian web directory) Society : Politics : Campaigns and Elections - cached
- PC Game Finder
- UC140: Quantitative Reasoning University of Cincinnati - cached
- Supporters of Proportional Representation in Canada
- uta.fi/~ja58584/pol.html
- Wahlen, Wahlsysteme Weltweit at University of Marburg Germany
- Yahoo group discussion on STV

Organizations working to reform voting rules are listed on the resources page.