Political Theory on the Web
There is an unfortunate lack of theoretical materials on the web,
at least in terms of the proper meaning of the term "theory."
The links below, however, offer useful and accessible theoretical
material. If you know of additional links, please e-mail us and
we'll add them.
The Assumption of Rationality: Basic Concepts and Difficulties
- Alvin Roth,
"Individual Rationality as a Useful Approximation."
- Michael Byron,
"Rationality and the Paradoxes of Decision Theory: A Critique
of Rational Choice Views."
- Hans Melberg,
"Three Arguments About Rational Choice Theory in Sociology."
- Jon Elster,
"Rationality and the Emotions."
- Jon Elster,
"Some Unresolved Problems in the Theory of Rational Behavior."
- Jon Elster,
"Social Norms and Economic Theory."
Utility Theory
Game Theory
- Paul Walker,
"A Brief History of Game Theory."
- Roger McCain,
"Game Theory: An Introductory Sketch."
- Jim Ratliff,
"What is Game Theory?"
- David Levine,
"What is Game Theory?"
- "Game Theory" entry
in Principia Cybernetica
- "Prisoners' Dilemma" entry
in Principia Cybernetica
- Geoff Wong,
"Political Game Theory."
- Nash Equilibrium
- Cooperative Games
- Geoff Wong,
"Coalition Games"
- Alvin Roth,
"Bargaining Models."
- Roger McCain,
"Cooperative Games and the Core."
- Play Prisoners' Dilemma
- "Chaos, Cheating, and Cooperation:
Potential Solutions to the Prisoners' Dilemma."
- Drew Fudenberg and David Levine,
"Theory of Learning in Games."
- Stable Winning Coalitions.
- Combinatorial Game Theory,
by Daniel Loeb
- Combinatorial Game Theory,
by David Eppstein
- Articles on Richman Games
- Game Theory and Experimental Economics,
by John Van Huyck
- Game Theory
journals and internet sources of game theory papers.
- Game Theory and Political Science,
a listing of formal theory course syllabi.
Social Choice Theory
- Homepage of International Foundation for Electoral Systems.
- Homepage of Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
- Douglas Amy,
"Proportional Representation Bibliography."
- Thomas Round,
"A Matter of Preference? Defending the Single Transferable
- Arend Lijphart,
"Proportional Representation Versus Single-Member Districts
in the States." Testimony before the California Legislature.
- Peter Emerson,
"Voting and Decision Making Systems."
- Robert Loring,
"Democracy Evolves."
- Pat Gunning,
"Public Choice, Public Goods, and Constitutions."
- Collective Action Problems.
- The Tragedy of the Commons.
- The Commons
- Leon Felkins,
"The Social Dilemmas."
- Leon Felkins,
"The Voter's Paradox."
- Leon Felkins and Mack Tanner,
"The Common Good and the Voter's Paradox."
- References on Public Goods.
Other Theoretical Perspectives

Updated March 4, 1997